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From Then to Now

Updated: Jan 20, 2023

This is my first blog EVER! So please bear with me. The first thing I wanted to write about was how I started in the pet boarding/daycare industry and what brought me to this point.

As a child, I always had a love for animals of all kinds-no matter how large or small. As long as I can remember I have had an animal of some sort-mainly dogs. As I got older my love and compassion only continued to grow, although life got in the way at times (i.e., marriage, children, etc.), granted I wouldn't change any of it, but it did put my compassion on hold. I never pursued it, as I wished I had of. I was a stay-at-home mom for 22 years, meanwhile still keeping the compassion. We acquired horses, goats, donkeys, pet chickens and turkeys, guinea pigs, etc. You name it, we have had it at some point or another, after my last two youngest were born. Now we have a small farm, with which we all enjoy. It is a lot of hard work, but no doubt rewarding.

At the age of 46, after my children were raised, and able to take care of themselves, I finally ventured out and found a kennel position at a veterinary hospital. The thing I most enjoyed: Caring for playing with dogs and cats. Not many people get the chance to do such. After so many years going by. I continued to learn and maneuvered over to the veterinary assistant side, where I actually did both.

I have worked both large and small kennels/vet hospitals. I noticed that the larger the kennels (number of dogs/cats) that it seemed to be just a boarding place with little time or no time to spend with the animals, or people treated it like "just a job for a paycheck."

So that is where the idea to open my own small family run boarding kennel came to be. To be able to spend that extra amount of time with each and every fur baby that comes to stay. Offering them peanut butter kongs, ice cubes, pup cups, whatever the treat may be. (With owner consent, of course). To be able to go the extra mile with an anxiety filled pup, or to help that scared one that hides in the corner, gives me the overwhelming feeling of accomplishment that I have helped the little fur baby come out of its shell and feel safer and more comfortable when being out of their comfort zone.


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